Hathorn's Guide: Into the Codex

If you're new, you might want to start at the beginning of these letters.

The 8th of Spann, 468th Year of the Empire

My Enigmatic Patrons,

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. Since my last correspondence, our journey has taken an unexpected turn, one filled with ancient tomes, cryptic scripts, and a quest that has stirred our souls.

Our journey continues, dear companions, as we seek answers and confront the echoes of Ishael's past. The threads of fate have intertwined us with the eerie tune, and we are bound to follow them wherever they may lead.

In our pursuit of answers regarding the haunting melody that has followed our dear Ishael, we have delved deep into the dusty archives of Fairhaven's grand library. The great stone walls of the library seem to whisper with the weight of ages, secrets of civilizations long past echoing through the aisles of aged tomes and manuscripts.

Our days have been consumed by the pursuit of knowledge, and our nights illuminated by the dim light of candles and oil lamps, casting long shadows upon pages worn with the passage of centuries. It is within these sacred halls of wisdom that we hope to uncover the key to silence the Haunting Melody and unveil the path to confront the malevolent Echoing Wraith.

Our journey through the library's labyrinthine shelves has been both enlightening and perplexing. Each dusty scroll and weathered codex we've perused has been like a piece of a grand puzzle, and with each discovery, we draw closer to understanding the true nature of the haunting song.

In particular, we have stumbled upon an ancient codex, its pages brittle and ink faded, yet filled with cryptic verses and arcane symbols. The codex hints at the existence of a hidden song, a melody said to possess the power to guide one to the Echoing Wraith's lair. It speaks of a ritual, a convergence of elements, and a place where the melody must be sung under the celestial tapestry.

But, my dear companions, the codex does not reveal these secrets easily. It poses riddles and challenges, demanding that we unlock its mysteries through wit and perseverance. Each night, we gather around the dimly lit table strewn with scrolls and parchments, debating the meaning of enigmatic phrases and deciphering the clues left by the scholars of yore.

It is both an exhilarating and maddening endeavor, one that tests our collective intellect and the strength of our bonds. Ishael's determination to reclaim the Haunting Melody and my own relentless pursuit of culinary perfection are now complemented by Dathor's strategic mind, Aliasbe's unwavering resolve, and Selenar's divine insights. Together, we are a formidable force, unyielding in our quest.

In our pursuit of this mysterious song, we've encountered fellow seekers of knowledge, scholars who, like us, seek to unveil the secrets hidden within the library's ancient tomes. Some have been willing to share their findings, while others guard their discoveries as closely as dragons guard their hoards.

Our journey through the library continues, as does our unwavering determination to uncover the song and confront the Echoing Wraith. With each page turned and each riddle unraveled, we draw nearer to our ultimate goal.

I shall continue to document our progress and discoveries, my dear companions. Until then, may your spirits remain as high as the towering shelves of knowledge that surround us.

I want to leave you with an exquisite cheese the librarians sent us off with. The High Librarian himself gave me a copy of the recipe upon request. Consuming it gave us a boost in our mental faculties as well as a pleasant aftertaste on our tongues.

The Librarian's Cheese


- 1 gallon of fresh milk from your animal of choice

- 1/4 teaspoon of rennet (I prefer rennet extracted from the Silverthorn Vine as it is superior according to many in my field)

- 1/4 teaspoon of salt

- A pinch of dried herbs, like basil and thyme, for flavor


1. Begin by gently warming the milk in a large cauldron over the hearth until it feels just slightly warm to the touch.

2. Add the rennet. Stir it into the milk with a wooden spoon and then let it sit quietly for about 45 minutes to let the curds form.

3. Once the curds have come together, employ a cheese cloth. Gently scoop the curds into a cheese mold. Sprinkle these curds with the salt and the dried herbs to infuse them with their essence.

4. Press the curds delicately to remove excess whey. The weight of an ancient tome or any heavy object you deem appropriate will suffice for this task.

5. Place the cheese mold in a cool, dark chamber for approximately a month. Over this time, the cheese will transform, gaining its unique flavor and texture.

6. After this month of maturation, your Librarian Cheese should be ready. 

I recommend serving it with freshly baked flatbread and dried fruits. It shall make for a gratifying repast on your journey.

This aged cheese not only pleases the palate but may also offer an ephemeral boost to your mind. A gift from the knowledge of the venerable librarians. It pairs well with a good book or scroll on a cloudy day. 

With unyielding resolve,

Hathorn Rophine

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