Hathorn's Guide: The Eldermist Library

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The 7th of Spann, 468th Year of the Empire

My Esteemed Companions,

Our journey has taken an unexpected turn, one that tugs at the strings of Ishael's past and casts a shadow over our path. The Haunting Melody, that cursed tune from her hometown of Eldermist, has resurfaced here in Fairhaven, and we are bound to confront its eerie presence once more.

In our pursuit of answers, we found ourselves at the doorstep of Mayor Thaddeus Blackthorn, a man whose demeanor exuded unease when questioned about the stolen amulet. Ishael's fiery determination flared as she demanded the truth, but diplomacy prevailed, and we left the mayor's residence with limited information.

It seems that the mayor himself is entangled in this web of mysteries, whether as a victim or an accomplice remains uncertain. Our next step is to unravel the threads of this enigma, seeking knowledge in the depths of Fairhaven's library and among its eclectic populace.

The library was a vast labyrinth of towering shelves, each laden with ancient tomes and scrolls. Shafts of sunlight pierced the gloom, casting golden ribbons across the dusty, leather-bound volumes. The air was thick with the scent of aged parchment and the musky wisdom of ages past.

Selenar, with their knowledge of divine lore, sought wisdom in the forgotten corners. They engaged in whispered conversations with robed scholars, seeking clues in the annals of gods and ancient rituals. The clerics' dedication to their quest was unwavering, even as they sifted through reams of parchment that spoke of blessings and curses, light and shadow.

Ishael, her harrowing connection to the Haunting Melody evident, explored the musical archives of the library. She plucked dusty lutes and examined timeworn sheet music. The haunting tunes of her past resonated with each note she inspected. Perhaps the library held some ancient ballad, some hidden score that would reveal the secrets of the amulet.

Dathor, our stalwart leader, took a more direct approach. He engaged in animated discussions with librarians and scholars, offering his brawn in exchange for information. It was Dathor's ability to rally those around him that finally bore fruit. A librarian, an elderly gnome with spectacles perched precariously on her nose, mentioned an obscure reference.

The "Codex of Whispered Shadows," she whispered, her voice trembling with trepidation. It was rumored to contain forbidden knowledge about the Echoing Wraith and its cursed amulet. However, it was said to be locked away in a hidden chamber, known only to a select few.

So, now my companions and I are in search of this secret chamber. I hope we have what it takes to gain entrance and resolve this specter from Ishael's past. 

Before I leave you, I must tell you of the Library's Flatbread recipe. I snuck a piece as a servant passed by and deduced the recipe. From what I understand consumption of this bread will allow minor resistance to temperature changes.

Eldermist Library Flatbread


- 2 cups of finely sifted flour

- 1 teaspoon of salt

- 1 tablespoon of olive oil

- 1 cup of lukewarm water

- A pinch of dried herbs (such as rosemary or thyme), if available

- Extra flour for dusting


1. In a large wooden bowl, combine the flour and salt. If you have dried herbs, add them at this stage for added flavor.

2. Make a well in the center of the flour mixture and pour in the olive oil and lukewarm water.

3. Use a wooden spoon or your hands to mix the ingredients together until a dough forms. If the dough is too sticky, gradually add a bit more flour until it becomes soft but not overly sticky.

4. Knead the dough on a floured surface for about 5-7 minutes until it's smooth and elastic. This is a great opportunity to work out any frustrations!

5. Place the dough back in the bowl, cover it with a clean cloth, and let it rest for at least 30 minutes. This will allow the gluten to relax and make the dough easier to work with.

6. Preheat a flat griddle or a cast-iron skillet over medium-high heat. You can also use a flat stone or an open flame if you're feeling adventurous.

7. Divide the dough into small portions, about the size of a large walnut. Roll each portion into a ball.

8. Roll out each dough ball on a floured surface into a thin, round flatbread, about 1/8 inch thick. You can use a rolling pin or your hands.

9. Carefully transfer the flatbread to the hot griddle or skillet. Cook for about 2-3 minutes on each side until it puffs up slightly and develops golden brown spots.

10. Remove from the heat and stack the flatbreads on a clean cloth to keep them warm and soft.

Serve your flatbread with cheeses, dried fruits, and perhaps a simple herb butter.

I hope you enjoy this delight as much as I did.

Until next we correspond,

Hathorn Rophine 

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