Exactly one year ago I started on this endeavor of blogging weekly. My goas was, as I put it, to "keep up with the cool kids" (looking at you Eric and Angie). For the most part, I've kept up with my promise. Only a few hiccups here and there. Recently, I've been absent for quite awhile based on some changes in my life. I went through a job change at my day job. Still working for the same company but essentially took a promotion. The new job and learning curve has not given me a lot of free mental energy to write, but I am slowly getting back into the groove.
This interruption in my writing habits also pushed back the final two chapters of the serial. I should have my final rewrites finished shortly now that I am back into writing regularly. So sorry to those of you waiting on the last two entries in my novella. My goal was to have them finished, edited, and published by Feb (the one year mark since the initial installment), but as you can see... life kind of got in the way.
I am thankful for those of you who are sticking with me. The serial has been a blast to write and publish, but I am ready for my next project. You should not have to wait much longer to find out the fate of Riean and his friends. The narrow path draws close. If you have not grabbed a copy of the book on Amazon, now is your chance before the price increases.
On the subject of projects, I am happy that I had the opportunity to be a part of a published anthology. If you follow me on social media, you have no doubt seen post about the Den of Thieves Anthology featuring my short story, The Loneliest Highway. The anthology, published by WolfSinger Publications, features stories revolving around thievery in some fashion. It has been a wonderful experience and if you have not checked the book out, please do. All proceeds go to the World Literacy Foundation.
Den of Thieves - Good stuff |
So, the future is looking bright for me at the moment. I am settling into the new day job, my writing is resuming, soon to have the novella finished and in print, published in an anthology, and soon to be published in a paid anthology as well. Good stuff happening. Cannot wait to share it with everyone. Stay tuned to the blog and my social media channels for updates.
Thanks so much for reading, and especially thanks to those that send notes telling me how much you like the stories I have written. That is the best.
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